For Communities and Commercial Establishments
BYOBIN : Bulk Composting Equipment
- Aerobic 300 Liter Bins: 8 Kg/day
- Aerobic 600 Liter Bins: 15Kg/day
- Made with FRP (fiber reinforce plastic): highly durable, easily repairable, sun and rain compatible
- Aerating pipes inside, inlet holes in the bottom, exhaust holes in the top. This helps in easy expulsion of hot air generated inside
- Leachate tank and tap in the bottom: easy collection and removal of leachate
How to use:
- Spread one layer (1cm layer of Composorb inoculum in the bottom
- Spread 3-4 inches of food waste
- Spread one layer (1cm) of Composorb inoculum. Close the lid and keep
- The bin will fill in 30 days. Leave it for composting. Use the pair bin for the next month. Use the bins alternatively

- Compost generated using Composorb is a soil-less planting media. Can be directly filled into a planter. No soil is required
- Leachate collected is a good microbial regenerator in septic tank. Pour into the toilet and flush to keep your septic tank healthy. Alternatively leachate can be diluted 10 times and used as good organic fertilizer.
- All kitchen waste except coconut shell and husk including bones, lemons, tamarind etc. can added into the BYOBINS. No liquid waste please. It will create slushy compost, more leachate and prevent air flow. Hence drain the liquid from your waste before adding into the BYOBIN.
Compost sales has limited scope due to the transport cost, availability of subsidized chemical fertilizer and limited connectivity to the farmers. The unutilized compost can be removed by us. Please contact us for further details. The compost can be directly filled in planters for gardening.
Paper will compost only after 3-4 months and will be visible at the end of the month when we take out compost. If used as planting media as described above, it will go inside the pots and there are no issues. However if it is used as manure, on drying, the papers will fly around after drying. Please note lining of bins with paper or plastic is banned as per rules, the rules prescribe transfer of wet waste from bins to bins without liners. Further, print ink is toxic and hence printed paper should not be used in composting bed at all.
A few issues apartments face are
- Dumping more waste than the prescribed limit/day will slow down composting due to reduced air circulation. When there are parties/function in apartments, they find difficult to put the waste in the bins (or they need more bins).
- If there are old, decomposed waste (which the houses sometimes forget/ignore to give to house keeping people) is added to the bin, the maggots would have already formed and during a very humid day may come out through the air pipes. Ideally fresh waste need to be added where the maggots formed will perish inside in early instars (stages) of larval formation due to aggressive microbial presence.
- In humid climate, leachate drainage from the lower layers (leachate of upper layer drenching down) will not get completed and when the compost is taken out the last layer will be soggy.
all biodegradable matter can be put inside the bin. Coconut shell and tender coconut leftovers will stay which can be removed even after composting. No dry waste is allowed.
600L Bin: around 12Kg, 300L bin: around 7Kg.
Byobin-Composorb can handle non-veg and bone scraps. The bones will not disintegrate completely but the protein part will completely decompose making the bone a stick of calcium phosphate not attractive anymore to the bonetarians. Further it will break down when in contact with plant environment in a few months’ time. If the compost is used as a soil-less planting media, it can be conveniently buried below the soil. If visual presence of bones in the compost is a problem, we can provide shredder which will homogenize the waste and compost for better visual appearance. However, as an environmentally sensitive organization, we recommend carbon neutral protocols and zero consumption of power.
Yes, it can be used indoors. However, the handling of waste will create some spillage and some leachate getting spilled over. Even in minute quantities, in a closed environment, it will give concentrated smell. Hence the concerned staff should be trained well to keep the area clean.
Total waste has to be shared between the first set of bins @ a max of 15Kg/ each bin every day and not alternate days. If we put more than 15KG (4-5 inches) in one bin the weight will create anaerobic condition in between the layers, the microbial colony will find it difficult to reach the inner layer and the leachate formed in the wet waste will not get drained out.
Once the bin is full, after 15 days from the last day of adding waste to the bin, top layers of compost (6 to 12 inches) can be taken into bags, the top most layer though not fully composted will be dried and degraded (without smell). By taking the top layers we enable rapid drying (due to internal heat) of the lower layers (which are composted). in the next 15 days the compost bin will get emptied (when compost taken once in 3 days) and the compost in the bags will complete the composting cycle (of 30 days)
The usage depends on the type of waste too. More non-veg will require less space accommodating max of 20 apartments/bin. However more veg will bring down the capacity to 15 apartments/bin. Thus for 90 apartments it will vary from 4-6. We have not encountered yet an apartment complex requiring more than 1bin/15 apartments.